Parents and children enjoy Parent & Me classes together. Children will have an opportunity to participate in a variety of age-appropriate activities, including socialization and experiences in art, music, body movement, manipulatives, and much more. Parents will have opportunities to share the exciting, and sometimes frustrating, experiences of parenting. Parent & Me meets one day each week. Classes are grouped according to age with a 6-month span in each class.

Schedule of Parent & Me Classes
Fall Semester: Late September through end of January Spring Semester: Beginning of February through end of May.
Ages are determined as of September 1st, each year:
14-20 months (1.2-1.8 yrs./mos.)- Monday 9:00-10:15am
21-28 months (1.9-2.4 yrs./mos.)- Tuesday 9:00-10:15am
21-28 months (1.9-2.4 yrs./mos.)- Wednesday 9:00-10:15am
12-17 months (1.0-1.5 yrs/mos.)- Thursday 9:00-10:15am
Current Tuition: $45.00 per day. Classes usually run 14-16 weeks depending on the holiday schedule.